Hey, y'all....

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Not exactly what I had planned.....


  It's not exactly been fun-in-the-sun this spring break.  I was hoping to get in a little practice at the driving range and maybe play a round or two of golf this week, but the weather is just not cooperating. We've had a couple of nice,  sunny days,  but the last two or three days have been downright COLD, and the wind has been blowing 900 miles an hour.  But, in a way, it's not been such a bad thing, because I've been able to really work on this blog---plus, March Madness is in full swing and it's really hard for me to get away from the TV when ACC basketball is on.  Cold weather gives me the perfect excuse to stay inside and watch the games.  I don't watch all the games---just Carolina, Duke, Wake Forest, NC State, and Florida State---I haven't been able to get interested in Miami, yet---probably because I'm still mad at them for beating Carolina so badly earlier this year.  The only time I really care about what happens to Virginia, Clemson, or Georgia Tech is during NCAA tournament time.  I rarely even remember that Boston College is in the ACC---so I don't really care about what happens to them even in tournament time.  And Maryland can just forget it!  I can't believe they are leaving the ACC---they are charter members of the conference---who in their right minds would even think of leaving such a prestigious conference as ours---and going to the Big Ten---what kind of sense does that make???  Anyway, I am mad at them for life---and I don't care what happens to them, ever.
This must be the spot where Maryland crosses over to the Big Ten
Anyway, my first Friday night of spring break was spent in front of the TV, watching Carolina beat Villanova.  It was a great game---the Tar Heels were fired up and Hariston, Bullock and Paige were burning up the scoreboard with three-pointers.  Roy Williams was looking fabulous in his dark gray suit---I wish he would wear this color suit more often---with his hair color and his skin tone, it looks
best on him.  He really is a handsome man.
But I have to say, in the wardrobe department, both his light gray suit and his tan suit wash him out way too much---and they make him look a little heavier (sorry, Roy, but it's true).  I can't remember which game it was when he debuted the checkered sports jacket--but I do remember thinking, oh my Lord, Roy, you look like something off Hee Haw.  All you need is a cowlick sticking up on the back of your head, a giant sunflower stuffed in your lapel, black out your front tooth--and you'd look right at home sitting on a hay bale next to Junior Samples and his coon dogs.........BR-549.
 And whoever it was that suggested that dreadful collection of rags Roy wore at the Carolina/Miami game ought to be fired.  The gameday commentators kept going on and on about Roy's new suit---saying that it was so spiffy and expensive---but, honest to goodness, I don't know what they saw---maybe it looked good in person, but on TV, it looked kind of pinkish in color---brownish-pinkish---and it made him look fat.  I kept thinking, oh my Lord, Roy, spill something on yourself or something so you'll have to change clothes-----that outfit makes you look like a chubby pimp.  The TV announcer said that, before tip-off, Roy had vowed to the team that he would never wear that suit again if Carolina lost the game.  We lost---and even though it was a bitter pill to swallow, I think, in the end, it was worth it to get rid of that suit.

But Friday night was good---and it looked like the Tar Heels might have a chance at winning the whole thing.  They would be playing again on Sunday evening---against Kansas, Roy Williams' former team---so this was going to be a really big game.  I texted Lori (the Carolina Girl) and asked her if she wanted to meet for supper at Buffalo Wild Wings and watch the game on the big screen.  She agreed and we met at the Michigan Ave./Osceola Parkway location at 5 o'clock, both wearing our Carolina Blue for the occasion.  
I expected the place to be packed---after all, it is March Madness---but it wasn't.  In fact, I think Lori and I were the only ones watching the game.  Basketball tournament time is just not the same here as it is back home in North Carolina---and I really thought it would be, since Florida State and Miami are both ACC teams---it's puzzling to me.  Anyway, I ordered sweet tea, a hamburger and fries, with extra mayonnaise on the side.
The waitress asked me if I wanted some kind of special wing sauce to go on my burger, but I told her no, just extra mayonnaise---that it was my favorite condiment.
I love hamburgers.  Back in the 60s, when we were still involved in the Cold War, I used to worry that if I was ever captured by the Russians and they said, "Tell us all your secrets," I would very bravely say, "No, no---never!"  And then those crafty Russians would say very slyly, "Tell us and we'll give you a hamburger...,"----(sigh)---I just knew I would cave---I knew I would never be strong enough to say no to that.  (Sorry, Uncle Sam.)  So, it was kind of a relief to me when Glasnost came about and I no longer had to worry about compromising my patriotism. 
I don't eat them very often---because I know you're supposed to eat red meat in moderation, but I'll admit, a good portion of my life has been spent on the quest to find the most delicious hamburger---and when I go to a restaurant, if a hamburger is on the menu, it's kinda hard for me to order anything else.  So, with that much experience to back me up, I hope you will understand the magnitude of the following statement:  The hamburger I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings last Sunday was the best hamburger I have ever eaten in my life!
I only wish the game had been as good as the hamburger.  It started out great....
but, by halftime, we were on the ropes, battling for our lives.  Kansas was relentless---the Tar Heels fought hard---and the lead changes were back and forth for a while---but then Carolina got behind and couldn't recover.  The three-pointers weren't falling for Hariston, Bullock, and Paige like they were on Friday night---and McAdoo was less McAdoo and much more McAdon't than he has been lately.  He was getting the rebound pretty well, but he wasn't scoring---nothing much would go in for him.
Final Score
Carolina 58                        Kansas 70
Anyway, win or lose, Carolina basketball is always exciting---and what better way to spend a chilly, blustery Sunday afternoon in Florida--the food was delicious, the entertainment was top-notch, the conversation was engaging, and the company was delightful---and for Roy Williams and the Tar Heels------there's always next year.
Until next time,
Peace and fried chicken....



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