Hey, y'all....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In the beginning.......

Hey, folks...

I've been trying to get this blog started for the longest time, but I've not been having much luck at it.  I was inspired at Christmas by my nieces, who both have blogs where they write about what they're up to and things they are interested in.  So, I thought, Wow, I'm hip--I'm happening--I'm gonna do that too!  But, I have to tell you, it's not an easy thing to do.  The instructions on how to set it up are not clear at all---really, to be more precise, there are not nearly enough instructions for me.  Computer-people don't really explain stuff---they are very frugal when it comes to vocabulary.  A subject that would take me about a thousand words to explain, amazingly, they will cover in one word--and the word that is probably most disconcerting for me is "Help," because when I click on "Help," it never seems to help (sigh).  Anyway, I don't want to blame them for what is clearly my deficiency---so, I'm going to give it a whirl and see how it goes. You'll just have to bear with me with these first feeble attempts---hopefully, I'll get better with time.

I thought it would be neat to write about my experiences here in the Sunshine State---some have been exciting adventures, some have been surprising revelations, and some have been just plain ol' baffling.  This first entry is see if I'm actually publishing anything on the blog.  If I am, I will follow soon with an update.  For now, I will close with a favorite expression from Mason (my blogging niece)---

Until next time,

Peace and fried chicken....



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